Friends of the Library

Welcome to the Friends of the Burke County Public Library!

Our purpose is to heighten public awareness of library services, to support library staff, to augment services and programs, and to offer volunteers for programs if needed.

Currently, we sponsor three main events each year:

The Annual Author’s Luncheon was held on Thursday, April 18, 2024, in the First Baptist Church (Morganton) fellowship hall. This year we were proud to present Allen VanNoppen, publisher of The Paper. The Book Sales, our main fund-raising events, are held in the Spring (this year it was April 19 and 20) and again in September (September 20 and 21, 2024) at the Collett Street Recreation Center. This is a much anticipated event, and members receive a notice entitling them to come to the sale a day before it is open to the public.

If you’re cleaning out closets and find books, we’ll be glad to have them. Just drop them off at the library during operating hours. Our library staff retains books that will be of use in the library system, and books are sold throughout the year at the Libraries. Since November 23, 2015 our Book Nook, in the Morganton library, has offered used books in excellent condition for sale. Smaller Book Nooks are avaliable at the Valdese Public Library and the C.B. Hildebrand Public Library.

The Friends sort books throughout the year for our book sales. The book sale is a major volunteer undertaking. If you would like to be a part of the book sale or any event sponsored by the Friends, please email us.

The Friends funding is separate from the library’s operating budget. We raise money through our book sales in order to support library programs for all ages. This has been a very fulfilling project for our Friends group.

Email the Friends of the Library

Join the Friends of the Library Today!

The Friends of the Library support the Burke County Public Library by:

  • Financially supporting the children’s annual SUMMER READING PROGRAM
  • Sponsoring an Annual Author’s Luncheon
  • Hosting used book sales

Please consider joining the Friends of the Library at one of the following levels:

To join online, click on the above links for the level of your choice. This will take you to the Stripe website, where you can securely checkout using a credit or debit card. You may also drop your cash/check contribution off at the front desks at the libraries, or mail it to:

Friends of the Burke County Public Library
204 S. King St.
Morganton, NC 28655

Please include your name and mailing address along with your check. Membership checks should be made out to the Library Foundation of Burke County. Thanks!

By joining today, you will be able to attend the book sales a day before it opens to the public!