It is the policy of the Burke County Public Library (BCPL) to offer the full range of library services to all customers, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, racial or ethnic origin, religion, or economic status. It is the intent of the library to provide its programs, collections, and services with a minimum of regulations, adopting only those which are essential to the successful operation of the Burke County Public Library. The cases where policies and regulations are in place are listed below.
Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources
There is no fee for use of the library’s wireless Internet. Users must abide by library policies regarding Internet use and content.
The Burke County Public Library (BCPL) provides access to the Internet and other electronic resources. BCPL expects electronic resources will be used
BCPL is not responsible for information available through the Internet. Provision of access does not imply sponsorship or endorsement. Concerns about the content of Internet resources should be directed to the originator of the information and not BCPL. Users should recognize that information accessed on the Internet may not be accurate, complete or current.
The Internet may contain material that is inappropriate for viewing by children. Restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Parental consent for unsupervised use of Internet resources is required for children 12-15 years old. Onsite parental supervision is required for children under 12 years old.
Customers using the public access computers are responsible for the correct operation of the equipment. Staff cannot provide in-depth Internet, NC LIVE. Overdrive, or computer training/instruction for individual customers.
In order to use electronic resources, users must:
- All computer users must have a Burke County Public Library card.
- Read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement before using BCPL computers.
- Respect copyright laws and software licensing agreements
- Not damage the computers in any way by installing software or programs or otherwise changing hardware and/or software. Users will be held responsible for malicious damage to the computers.
- Recognize that electronic transactions are not secure.
- Hold BCPL harmless to any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations and liabilities directly or indirectly related to the use of the Internet.
- Not engage in any activity that is a violation of local, state and/or federal law.
- Not receive or display illegal materials.
- Not send or display obscene messages, files or images
Transmission of any material or communications in violations of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited, including but not limited to: copyrighted
material, threatening or obscene material or material protected as trade secrets.
Violations of the Burke County Public Library Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources will result in loss of computer and Internet use.
The first documented violation will result in loss of computer and Internet use for a six-month period to begin on the date of the documented violation.
The second documented violation will result in permanent loss of computer and Internet privileges at the BCPL.
BCPL includes Morganton, Valdese, and C.B. Hildebrand Public Libraries.
Sessions on the public access computers are as follows: 1 hour sessions for use of the Internet and applications (i.e. word processing) with a total 2 hour limit per day. Users may continue to use the computer up to 2 hours per day consecutively if no one else is waiting.
One person is allowed at each computer. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances.
Customers are responsible for paying for all copies printed except for printouts from the OPAC.
Public access computer users must complete their work at least 15 minutes before the library closes. A staff member may remind the customer of this procedure.
The Burke County Public Library is not responsible for loss of data or damage to computer user’s data storage. Computer users may download information but not to the hard drive.
If a computer user allows someone else to use his/her library card number to access computer resources, the customer allowing the access will be banned following the procedures for violation of the AUPER policy.
Burke County Public Library Bags and Personal Items Policy
For the safety, health, and comfort of the patrons and staff of the library, and to ensure unimpeded access to the library and its collections, the Burke County Public Library (BCPL*) establishes the following limits on bags and personal items that may be brought into the library.
Personal belongings brought on to library premises should not be left unattended. The library assumes no responsibility for unattended items. Unattended items will be removed from library premises. Law enforcement will be involved as necessary.
Personal belongings should not block or impede any exits, hallways, or walkways.
Patrons may only bring one bag into the library unless an exception has been made by the library. Such bags may include purses, briefcases, small backpacks/bookbags, laptop bags, musical instrument cases, or plastic/paper store bags not containing food or contraband.
Large backpacks, suitcases, and wheeled storage devices (excluding wheelchairs, walkers, and similar devices along with strollers for children) are prohibited from library premises unless an exception has been made by the library.
Patrons wishing an exception to this policy should request such through the library director, the library assistant director, or the senior staff person on-site.
Failure to comply with the policy may result in dismissal or banning from library premises.
*BCPL includes the buildings and grounds of the Morganton, Valdese, and C.B. Hildebrand Public Libraries.
Approved 01/23/2018 by the Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees.
Download the Bag Policy.
Burke County Public Library Behavior and Conduct Policy
It is the policy of the Burke County Public Library (BCPL) to offer the full range of library services to all customers, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, racial or ethnic origin, religion, or economic status. It is the intent of the library to provide its programs, collections, and services with a minimum of regulations, adopting only those which are essential to the successful operation of the Burke County Public Library.
BCPL recognizes that library customers are in fact the owners of the library. As user-owners, the public has certain expectations of its public library. These include a collection of relevant and current materials, pleasant and attractive surroundings, engaging and informative programs, and courteous and effective staff members.
Customers have a right to assume that visits to the library will be free from harassment, free from physical discomfort and danger, and free from psychological and emotional stress.
The rights of both the public and the staff are sometimes violated by the attitudes and behavior of a very small number of persons.
It is expected that patrons shall engage in activities typically associated with use of a public library such as reading, studying, researching, participating in a library program or activity, or using library materials. Patrons not engaged in such activities may be required to leave the premises.
It shall be the policy of the Burke County Public Library to maintain in the library an environment conducive to study as well as casual use. To assure the successful implementation of this policy statement, the library considers the following descriptions to be representative, albeit not exhaustive, of behavior patterns unacceptable for the BCPL (BCPL includes the buildings and grounds of the Morganton, Valdese, and C.B. Hildebrand Public Libraries):
- Sleeping.
- Obscene or abusive language.
- Use of tobacco products on library property.
- Playing of audio or video such that sound is audible to others.
- Blocking or in any way interfering with the free movement of any person or persons on library property.
- Bringing animals other than service animals as covered by the ADA into BCPL buildings.
- Use or consumption of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages in BCPL buildings or on BCPL grounds.
- Being in an intoxicated state in BCPL buildings or on BCPL grounds.
- Removal of any BCPL property from the building or grounds without authorization through established lending procedures.
- Soliciting or selling of any kind.
- Panhandling.
- Loitering.
- Distribution of leaflets or posting notices without authorization through established BCPL policies and procedures.
- Use of library telephones unless approved by BCPL personnel.
- Consumption of food or beverages in non-designated areas in BCPL buildings.
- Following staff or customers around BCPL buildings and/or BCPL grounds, or other harassing behavior such as staring or other intimidating acts.
- Rearranging of any furniture in BCPL buildings or rearranging equipment in BCPL buildings without prior authorization by BCPL staff.
- Engaging in disorderly conduct, committing a nuisance, or unreasonably disturbing and offending BCPL customers.
- Carrying weapons of any sort.
- Entering facilities of BCPL without footwear and/or shirt.
- Purposely circumventing computer security or timing software or otherwise tampering with library computers or the library network.
- Having body odor or personal hygiene that interferes with other patrons’ and/or staffs’ ability to use library facilities.
- Making unreasonable use of restrooms including laundering items and bathing.
- Sexual activity of any kind.
- Unauthorized use of outside power outlets located on the library building or library premises.
North Carolina General Statutes Concerning Behavior
G.S. 14-33 Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and affrays.
G.S. 14-76 Larceny, mutilation, or destruction of public records and papers.
G.S. 14-127 Willful and wanton injury to real property.
G.S. 14-132 Disorderly conduct in and injuries to public buildings and facilities.
G.S. 14-134 Trespass on land after being forbidden.
G.S. 14-159-13 Second degree trespass.
G.S. 14-190.9 Indecent exposure.
G.S. 14-204.1 Loitering for the purpose of engaging in prostitution offense.
G.S. 14-277.1 Communicating threats. G.S. 14-398 Theft or destruction of property of public libraries, museums, etc.
G.S. 153A-266 Powers and duties of trustees.
Library staff shall address disruptive behavior/s as below. Preference will be given to management and supervisory staff to address patrons. In any case, especially where they may not feel safe, staff may contact law enforcement regarding disruptive behaviors by patrons and request their assistance.
General Procedures
- Oral or Written Warning
- Immediate Dismissal for the remainder of the day.
- Banning from the Library for a period of time defined by the library director.
Immediate Banning from BCPL Buildings or BCPL Grounds
- Threatening staff and/or other BCPL customers
- Carrying a weapon on BCPL grounds or in BCPL buildings.
- Destruction or theft of BCPL property.
- Using abusive language toward staff and/or other BCPL customers (including but not limited to profanity)
- Fighting (all parties).
- Dispensing chemicals or noxious substances including but not limited to pepper spray, stink bombs, and tear gas.
- When it has been determined that the customer is a chronic behavior problem.
Appealing an Action Based on the Library Behavior and Conduct Policy
If a patron or their parent, guardian, or caregiver wishes to appeal an action taken by the library regarding a violation of the Library Behavior and Conduct Policy, they must contact the library director to arrange for an appeal.
Approved 01/23/2018 by the Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees.
Bulletin Board Policy
Developed September 26, 2000
The Library provides space on its public bulletin board for announcements and notices of local community events. This service is in keeping with the Library’s overall philosophy of providing access to a wide range of information sources.
All notices and posters must be approved and placed on the bulletin board by library staff. Staff may discard items not approved for placement and excess copies of any items received.
Staff will follow publicly posted guidelines in making decisions about the placement of materials. Items will be posted or made available on an equitable basis, subject to available space, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of the individuals or groups represented.
Religious and political materials are permissible for informational purposes or special events; materials that have the primary effect to proselytize for a single point of view will not be displayed.
In general, no items devoted solely to the sale, advertising, solicitations or promotion of commercial products or services for a single profit making business will be accepted. Staff may make exceptions for announcements of educational opportunities provided by profit making businesses, or items including a variety of beneficiaries.
Posting of a notice does not imply endorsement by the library staff or the Board of Trustees of the viewpoints expressed in the items.
The bulletin boards are not available for personal, or family use, or for purely social use.
Items may be refused based on: size and available space. The size limit for posted items is 8 1/2″ by 11″. The available space for posting is limited to the designated community bulletin board.
All items placed on the bulletin board must be approved by the Information Services Department Head (Morganton Public Library) or the Branch Manager (Valdese Public Library and C. B. Hildebrand Public Library) or the Head’s or Branch Manager’s designated representative using the criteria above. Items not so approved will be removed from the bulletin boards and disposed of as deemed appropriate by the Information Services Department Head or Branch Manager (or the Head’s or Branch Manager’s designated representative.)
Due to limited space, all qualified items might not be displayed. If any items cannot be displayed because of space, the items received first will be displayed. No items will be excluded due to viewpoint.
The library does not assume any responsibility or liability for items submitted for display on the bulletin board. The organization/individual assumes responsibility for any damage incurred.
Items will be removed from the bulletin boards by the Information Services Department Head or the Branch Manager (or by the Head’s or Branch Manager’s designated representative) as outlined below:
- Items that become dated will be removed for the bulletin boards and will be disposed of as deemed appropriate. For example, posters announcing meetings will be removed after the meeting. Other items will be removed after thirty days, unless there is space available and the item is considered to be of general interest.
- Items directly concerned with the library will be displayed as long as appropriate.
Exhibit Policy
Effective February, 2003
Exhibit spaces and display case(s) in the Burke County Public Library, with sites at Morganton, Valdese, and Hildebran, are utilized primarily to promote reading, education and library usage. Themes for displays or exhibits may be educational, seasonal, patriotic, cultural or community focused. Use of community collections and artifacts are featured and formulated to appeal to the entire community. Exhibits and displays are selected and/or organized by professional librarians who are knowledgeable of the community and its resources. Selection is based on the widest community appeal and interest, format, space, staff and budget allowances.
All displays and exhibits are initiated by the Library. Areas for displays and exhibits at Morganton Public Library, Valdese Public Library, and C.B. Hildebrand Public Library are not public forum and are not available to the public. Displays are designed to be content-neutral since the Library does not take sides in political or social controversies.
(Effective January 1, 2005)
The use of cell phones in the library can often prove disruptive to customers and staff. In order to preserve the library’s mission and goals, the following restrictions apply to the use of cell phones at all locations of the Burke County Public Library:
- Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate when entering the library.
- People making calls on a cell phone shall leave the building to make the call.
- People receiving calls on a cell phone shall immediately leave the building to continue their conversation.
- Library staff may require that people engaged in cell phone conversations move to the designated areas.
Refusal to comply with this policy or its intent may result in the offending party being required to leave the library.
Adopted by the Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees 12/07/2004
Fax Policy
The library is pleased to provide fax service to the general public. Anyone needing fax service will be accommodated as soon as possible, but library services and operations will take priority.
- The Fax number for the Morganton Public Library is 828-433-1914
- The Fax number for the Valdese Public Library is 828-874-1211
- The Fax number for the C.B. Hildebrand Public Library is 828-764-9256
Sending a Fax
- Charges: $1.00 per page, local or long distance.
- Operation of the fax machine is limited to library staff.
- A supplied cover sheet must be filled out in order to send a fax. There is no charge for the cover sheet unless it is the only page sent.
- The library is not responsible for the quality of the fax sent including missing pages, bad transmissions, failure to transmit or incomplete information.
- The library does not fax to international numbers.
- Only the patron may determine the success of the transmission by calling the recipient.
- If the call results in a busy signal or other failed connection, 4 more attempts will be made to transmit in the next 10 minutes. If failure persists for 10 minutes, transmissions may be resubmitted one hour later at no additional charge.
Receiving a Fax
- Charges: $1.00 per page.
- The library is not responsible for the quality of received faxes.
- Anyone expecting a fax should notify the library immediately.
- The library will notify the recipient when the fax is received.
- Recipient has 5 days (excluding days the library is closed) to pick up the fax. If not picked up the fax will be shredded.
- An administrative fee equal to one-half of the fax fee will be charged to the fax recipient for faxes that are not picked up and shredded. This fee is capped at $5.00 per fax. (A 5 page incoming fax would cost $5.00. If not picked up and shredded, the administrative fee would be one-half of that amount or $2.50.)
- Any outstanding administrative fees must be paid before any faxes will be released.
- Library staff will not read incoming faxes but will place them in a folder until they are picked up.
Approved by the Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees – 12/20/2016 – effective upon approval.
Filming and Photography Policy
Filming and photography are allowed as described below only to the extent that it does not interfere with the delivery of library services and is consistent with the Library’s mission. All parties involved in filming and photography are expected to follow the Library Behavior and Conduct Policy.
Persons filming or photographing on library premises have sole responsibility for gaining all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. The Library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases.
Failure to obtain releases and permissions from persons being filmed or photographed will be deemed unacceptable behavior for purposes of enforcing the Library’s Behavior and Conduct Policy.
Library staff may terminate any filming/photo session that violates Library policies or appears to compromise public safety or security.
The Library is a limited, or designated public forum, and reasonable time, place and manner regulations are permissible.
The Library has an open-door policy for news media photographers and reporters who are doing stories or projects that directly involve the Library and its programs, resources and services. Advance authorization for such coverage must be obtained from the Library Director or Library Assistant Director.
Casual amateur photography and videotaping is permitted in the lobby, study and program areas of library facilities for customers and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit. The use of additional equipment such as lighting is not permitted. Amateur photographers have explicit responsibility for gaining all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed.
Groups renting Library facilities may arrange for photographers and news media during their event. Filming and photography for such events is restricted to the space reserved by the group and may not take place in other areas of the Library.
Approved by Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees – 04 11 2023
Burke County Public Library Fee Schedule
Library Card Fees
Replace a lost card – $5.00
Copier, Printer, and Fax Fees
Copier/Printer fees – 25¢ per page
Fax – transmit – $1.00 per page
Fax – receive – $1.00 per page
Item Fees
Lost Item – Charge varies – see staff
Damaged Item – Charge varies – see staff
Deposit Item – Items for which a refundable deposit must be paid before item can be checked out. Charge varies – see staff
Patrons with 2 or more overdue items or more than $5.00 in charges cannot check out more items.
Patrons owing more than $5.00 to the library may not use public computers with the exception of the library catalog.
Patrons putting items marked DO NOT PLACE IN BOOK BOX in the book boxes are subject to damage charges for these materials.
Adopted by the Burke County Commission June 21, 2022 – effective 07/01/2022
Library Card Registration Policy
Burke County Public Library System
If you are:
- A permanent resident of Burke County
- Employed in Burke County
- Enrolled in a school in Burke County
- An owner of real property in Burke County (paying property taxes)
- A resident (& library card holder) of a county contiguous to Burke County which does not charge a fee to Burke County residents for library borrowing privileges (Catawba and Caldwell)
You can be issued a Burke County Public Library System library card without fee.
Library cards can be issued for an annual fee of $15 to all other individuals.
Individuals with a new library card can only check out 4 items per library card when using the card for the first time.
- Individuals 16 years & older will be registered as adult customers.
- Individuals less than 15 years old will be registered as juvenile customers.
To be issued a library card from Burke County Public Library System, a customer must establish a current mailing address. The current mailing address can be established by either one of the following:
- Customer’s photographic identification with current address OR
- Customer’s photographic identification AND Customer’s checkbook with current mailing address OR Customer’s mail (with current address listed)
Please note that parents or guardians that sign to establish library borrowing privileges for juveniles must establish a current mailing address.
Customers that cannot establish a current mailing address will not be issued library cards by the Burke County Public Library System.
An application form must be completed when applying for a library card. Applicants under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
No new library cards are issued ten minutes before closing.
Patrons must present their library card to check out materials.
Apply for a Library Card
Option 1: Online Application
Fill out the application on our online catalog, NC Cardinal, and come into the library within 7 days to have staff complete your application, check your photo id, and issue your library card.
Option 2: Print Application
Print and fill out a paper application and bring it into the library with your photo id to get your card!
Option 3: Stop by the Library
Come to the library with your photo id, stop at the desk and ask for an application, fill one out, and get your card!
Materials Selection Policy
I. Introduction
The purpose of the Burke County Public Library System is to select, organize, and make freely and easily available to the people of Burke County printed and non-printed materials, within the limitations of space and budget, which will aid them in education, information, research, recreation, culture, and effective use of leisure time.The words “library materials,” as they occur in this policy, have the widest possible meaning. Every form of permanent record is to be included whether printed or audio; bound or unbound; photographed or otherwise reproduced on tapes, discs, and pictures in the form of photographs, paintings, drawings, etc.”Selection” refers to the decision that must be made either to add a given title to the collection or withdraw one already in the collection.The BCPLS recognizes that many books, magazines, and newspapers are controversial and that any given item may offend someone. Selections will not be made on the basis of any assumed approval or disapproval, but solely on the merit of the work as it relates to the Public Library System’s purpose as reflected in its five year plan and mission statement. The merit of any work will also be analyzed to the degree that it serves the needs and interests of Burke County as a whole.Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents, and nothing will be sequestered except for the express purpose of protecting it from mutilation or theft.Responsibility for the reading and/or viewing habits of minors rests with their parents or caregiver(s). Selection of materials for adults will not be limited by the possibility that they may come into the possession of minors.Customers not finding desired material in the Library system’s collections may request that it be borrowed on interlibrary loan following set requirements, or that it be purchased by using the “Request for Purchase” form. Customers finding certain BCPLS material objectionable to the community may request that it be reconsidered by using the “Request for Reconsideration” form. Both forms will be available at all Burke County Public Library System sites.The Materials Selection Policy for the BCPLS will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the Library Director and Board of Trustees to ensure that it meets community needs.The “Library Bill of Rights,” the “Freedom to Read Statement,” and the “Freedom to View Statement,” as adopted by the American Library Association, are a part of this Materials Selection Policy.
A. Responsibility for Selection of Materials
The final responsibility for selection of BCPLS materials, as for all Public Library activities, rests with the Library System Director, who administers under the authority of the Burke County Public Library System Board of Trustees. The responsibility for materials selection is shared by the Director with various professional librarians of the Burke County Public Library System.
B. Selection of Materials
The Burke County Public Library System recognizes its responsibility to have available a representative selection of materials on subjects of interest to its users. The selection of Library System materials is a prime activity within the Library System and is based on the needs and requests of customers of all ages, races, and creeds, and of organizations with a wide range of interests.The Burke County Public Library System takes no sides on public issues, and does not attempt to promote any beliefs or points of view, nor does it endorse the opinions expressed in the materials held. The Burke County Public Library System recognizes its responsibility to provide materials presenting various points of view, within the limitations of space, budget, and availability, to enable citizens to make their own decisions.
C. Access to Materials
The BCPLS recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some customers. Processing and shelving of materials shall in no way reflect a value judgment of the materials in the Library System’s collections. There will be no labeling of any item or of its electronic catalog entry to indicate its point of view or bias. All materials will be shelved in their proper order on open shelves, freely and easily accessible to the public.A person’s right to use the BCPLS will not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views. The BCPLS assures free access to its holdings for all customers who are free to select or reject for themselves any item in the collections. individual or group prejudice about a particular item or type of material in the collections may not preclude its use by others.Children are not limited to the juvenile collections, although juvenile collections are kept together to facilitate use.
II. Criteria of Evaluation
Materials will be judged on the basis of content and style of the work as a whole, not by selected or random passages or scenes.A policy, however high its standards, cannot replace the judgement of professional Library staff, but provides guidelines which will assist them in choosing from the vast array of available materials. BCPLS librarians utilize professional judgement and expertise, based on understanding of community needs and the knowledge of authors and publishers, in the process of selecting materials. The professional librarian is also aided by reviews found in professional, literary, specialized and general periodicals in addition to standard lists of basic works. At times, the BCPLS staff may consult subject area specialists to obtain advice on building certain technical fields. Factors which may influence selection of an item include:
- Contemporary or permanent value.
- Local interest.
- Price.
- Authority, skill, competence, reputation, and significance of the author.
- Reputation and standards of the publisher.
- Clarity, accuracy, logic, objectivity, and readability
- Social significance.
- Comprehensiveness and depth of treatment.
- Appropriateness and effectiveness of the medium to the content.
- Quality and suitability of the physical format to the BCPLS.
- Attention of critics and reviewers.
- Importance of the subject matter to the collection.
- Scarcity of material on the subject.
- Accessibility to the title through indexes and bibliographies.
- Availability of materials elsewhere in the area.
- Potential use.
- Budgetary limitations.
- Need for duplicate materials in the collection.
- Space limitations.
- Originality.
- Literary quality.
- Strength of characterization and plot
- Sustained interest.
- Authentic reflection of human experience.
Demand is a valid factor in book selection. Material selected for this service will be of popular interest and in high demand or of significant current interest, not always of enduring value. Best sellers are evaluated on their individual merits following selection policies.
III. Item Types
A. Books for Adults
The fiction collection provides books for the wide range of interests of the general reading public, including classics in the field, titles representing periods of writing, and those meeting the popular demand for light reading. No book will be eliminated solely because of coarse language, or violence, or frank discussion of sexual episodes, any of which may be objectionable to some people, if the author is justified in what he/she portrays, or when such episodes are pertinent to the plot or character delineation in the book.The nonfiction collection provides as its first priority popular nonfiction of use to the general adult library user. More specialized materials are purchased as the budget allows. Patrons are encouraged to use the interlibrary loan service to secure materials not available in the BCPLS.
B. Extension Materials
The entire BCPLS collection of items is available for use at the Morganton Main Library, the Valdese Public Library, the C.B. Hildebrand Public Library, the BCPLS bookmobile, and any other deposit stations (if applicable).Materials specifically donated to a particular BCPLS site are freely available to all customers of the BCPLS and are also available to other libraries via interlibrary loan.
C. Non-book Materials
The BCPLS staff considers that non-book materials represent an alternative format that may be selected when this format meets the needs of Burke County customers. In general, the same selection policies that apply to books will apply to non-book materials. Because the BCPLS’ budget for non-book materials is limited and non-book materials may be susceptible to damage, some special restrictions may be placed on circulation of non-book materials for the BCPLS.
D. Juvenile Materials
BCPLS has traditionally assumed a high level of responsibility for programming for preschoolers, since no other agency provides this kind of service. The BCPLS will continue to target this age group in the interest of encouraging in the formative years the development of an appreciation of the Library System and a lifelong love of reading. To assist in this goal, the BCPLS will continue to purchase quantities of Easy books, which will meet the same standards as all other
collections.For school age children (1st grade through 6th grade), BCPLS cannot duplicate the materials ordinarily supplied by the Burke County Public School System. however, within budgetary constraints, the BCPLS will attempt to serve as a supplementary educational resource for thousands of Public School students in Burke County. The BCPLS will also serve as an educational center for an increasingly large number of home schoolers in Burke County.
E. Young Adult Materials
It is essential that BCPLS recognize the importance of providing services to meet the needs of the young adult community, that group of citizens who are at the stage between youth and maturity, in which they no longer see themselves as children, but who society does not recognize as adults.The young adult (known hereafter as YA) collection should bridge the gap between children’s literature and adult literature with emphasis on materials centering on YA interests and informational needs. Due to the wide variation in sophistication and maturity levels in this group, varied reading and interest levels must be provided. There will inevitably be considerable overlap with existing adult and children’s collections, as well as the literature that is specifically geared to teenagers. Since this is a period of rapid mental growth, widening interests, and changing ideas and attitudes, the professional staff responsible for selection of YA materials must keep these factors in mind when selecting material.
F. Large Print Materials
Large print materials are purchased to meet the recreational and informational needs of the community. They are all judged by the same standards of content and format that apply to other material purchased by the BCPLS. Talking books, tapes, and Braille material are available from the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, and are therefore not collected by the BCPLS.
G. Newspapers
BCPLS subscribes to Unifour area newspapers, major State newspapers, and to other newspapers of interest to our customers from the area and the nation.
H. Pamphlets
Inexpensive, ephemeral, and timely pamphlets are collected to supplement the regular collections of materials. They are periodically reevaluated and weeded.
I. Periodicals
BCPLS subscribes to nearly 200 magazines on a wide variety of subjects of interest to the average customer. For the most part, selection criteria for periodicals are the same as those for books and other materials. In addition to periodicals purchased for general interest, magazines are also obtained which are important for reference work and general research work. There is no attempt to purchase specialized periodicals for professionals, undergraduate or graduate students, or researchers.
J. Gifts
The BCPLS will encourage and accept gift material(s) with the understanding that gifts of materials will be added to the collections of BCPLS only if they meet the same standards required of purchased materials. Gift materials not meeting those standards, those that are out of date, unneeded duplicates of items already owned, or those in a format unsuitable for the BCPLS, may be given to other organizations, sold, exchanged, or otherwise disposed of as the BCPLS desires. The BCPLS cannot make a commitment to keep any collection or group of donated items on a special shelf from other items in BCPLS’ collections. Gift items will be integrated into BCPLS collections in normal sequence, available to all Library patrons, and otherwise handled as any other material belonging to the BCPLS. Gift items may be marked with an appropriate bookplate. A receipt for tax purposes (indicating the # of units received only) may be given to the donor if requested at the time of the donation. Whenever a gift is no longer needed, it will be disposed of in the same manner as material purchased.
IV. Complaints about Materials
A customer who questions any material in the BCPLS may register his/her opinion in writing on the form “Request for Reconsideration” (download here)and the matter will be referred to the Library Director. A disputed item will not be removed from the shelves because of a complaint until such recommendation is agreed upon by the Library Director and approved by the Burke County Public Library Board of Trustees.
V. Weeding of Materials
Weeding is the continuous evaluation of the BCPLS collections by the professional staff. This annual process is an integral part of collection development and maintenance.BCPLS uses American Library Association approved guidelines for weeding of materials. Basically, there are six criteria for weeding. Used with judgement and a knowledge of our customers, they are as follows:
- Materials which contain misleading and/or factually inaccurate information.
- Materials which are worn and beyond mending or rebinding.
- Materials which have been superseded by a new edition or by much better material on the subject.
- Materials which are irrelevant to the needs and interests of area customers.
- Materials which have no discernible literacy or scientific merit.
- Materials that are not included in the standard bibliographies, and have not been charged out in the last three years.
Materials will not be remove solely as a result of pressure or demand from area customers.
Meeting Room Policy and Rules for Burke County Public Library
Morganton Main Library, Valdese Public Library, and C.B. Hildebrand Public Library offer meeting rooms for the use of the public on equal terms for the lawful activities of groups and individuals, regardless of their affiliations or beliefs. These meeting rooms are available for groups or individuals to conduct organizational or program meetings, seminars, study groups, planning sessions, training programs, and related activities.
- Meeting rooms in the Burke County Public Library System may be booked no more than sixty days in advance by customers at the Morganton Main Library or Valdese Public Library.
- Meeting room reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis, based on the date of submission of the request. Groups or individuals wishing to reserve a meeting room must initially submit the “long form” version of the meeting room reservation request form. If the information contained on the “long form” does not change, the group or individual may submit the “short form” of the meeting room reservation request form for subsequent meetings. Reservations will not be made over the telephone but reservation form(s) may be submitted to the appropriate Library by fax or email.
- Except for affiliated organizations (BCPLS Board of Trustees, Friends of the BCPLS Library, Burke County Historical Society, and Burke County Genealogical Society), groups or individuals may not reserve meeting rooms continuously for the same time each week or month, if such reservations prevent other groups or the Public Library from using library meeting rooms.
- Meeting room booking(s) may be cancelled by the BCPLS (after notice to the customer) if the booking is in conflict with Public Library System sponsored programming event(s).
- Persons attending activities in the meeting rooms of the BCPLS are subject to all BCPLS rules and regulations. Use of the meeting room must not disrupt the use of the Library by other customers.
- No fees, dues, or donations may be charged or solicited from persons attending meetings in BCPLS meeting rooms. Exceptions may be made for meetings sponsored by the BCPLS or its affiliated organizations (see #4) involving small fees for short-term classes, institutes, workshops, etc.
- No commercial, social, religious, and/or political functions will be scheduled at BCPLS meeting rooms.
- Meeting rooms must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Groups or individuals holding meetings assume all responsibility for setting up and removing tables, chairs, and other furniture and equipment; for cleaning the room after use; and for any damage to BCPLS equipment and facilities during their meetings. A representative from each organization or the individual using a meeting room must sign an agreement (long form) accepting personal responsibility for damages or cleaning fees resulting from the group’s or individual’s use of the room. The BCPLS is not responsible for providing extra chairs, tables, equipment, etc. needed for the group’s or individual’s functions beyond the existing tables, chairs, equipment, etc. located in the BCPLS meeting rooms at the time/date the “long form” of the meeting room reservation request form is signed by a group or individual. With prior permission by the appropriate site supervisor (Library Director, Library Managers, and Community Services Librarian), groups or individuals may temporarily bring extra tables, chairs, equipment, etc. needed for a particular meeting. All non-BCPLS property brought onto BCPLS premises must be immediately removed from meeting rooms after the meeting is finished.
- Tobacco use is not allowed in the libraries. Persons wishing to smoke must exit the buildings to do so.
- No eating or drinking will be allowed in BCPLS meeting rooms for non-BCPLS sponsored events.
- Permission to use a BCPLS meeting room is NOT an endorsement by the BCPLS staff, trustees, etc. of the belief(s) of the group or individual utilizing BCPLS meeting rooms.
- No group or member or any group or individual may attach signs, banners, or fliers to any BCPLS wall, ceiling, or piece of property without permission of the appropriate site supervisor (see #9).
- The Library Director is authorized by the BCPLS Board of Trustees to deny further use of the meeting room to individual(s) or group(s) that violate the BCPLS’ policies and/or procedures. Individual(s) or group(s) whose activities would tend to incite and/or produce imminent lawless action, or are obscene, or are obviously promoting false and misleading information, or are defamatory, or that are purely commercial in nature will not be allowed to use the BCPLS meeting rooms.
Safe Child Policy
Effective 1/2003
Parents or legal guardians are responsible for the care, safety and behavior of their children under the age of 18, both within the library building and on library grounds, regardless of whether or not they accompany their child(ren). It is the responsibility of the library staff to determine whether a child’s behavior is problematic and to report suspected abuse or neglect. (Legal Reference G.S. 7B-301: Duty to report abuse, neglect, dependency, or death due to maltreatment.)
Supervisory Guidelines for Child Safety
For reasons of safety, children under the age of 7 should be under supervision (parent, legal guardian or caregiver over the age of 16) while in the library. Children ages 7 to 12 need not be in the immediate presence of a parent, caregiver or legal guardian provided they abide by all aspects of the Disruptive Behavior Policy, but the aforementioned should be somewhere in the library building. NOTE: Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult when they are using the Internet.
Unattended Children at Closing
It is strongly advised that children requiring transportation be picked up 10 minutes before closing time. If a child under age 16 is left unattended at closing time:
- The Department of Public Safety will be notified to come and pick up the child. The library staff will wait inside the library with the child until the Public Safety Officer arrives.
- It is the decision of the responding officer to remain at the library with the child or take the child to the Public Safety Headquarters.
Disruptive Behavior
The Library’s Disruptive Behavior Policy applies to all patrons, regardless of age.
This policy and guidelines apply to all children using the library and their parents, legal guardians and caregivers.
Study Rooms Policy
Study rooms are available for public use. Study rooms are to be utilized as follows.
- Study rooms are to be used for individual or quiet group work.
- Study rooms are used on a first come, first served basis.
- Study rooms may be used for up to two (2) hours per day.
- Study room time may be “renewed” if no one is waiting to use the room.
- Customers wishing to use a study room must check in at the service desk.
- Customers utilizing study rooms are subject to all rules and policies issued by Burk County Public Library, including the Behavior and Conduct Policy, Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Resources, etc.
- In addition, customers are not permitted to have food/beverages in the study rooms or cover study room windows in any way.
- The Library Director and Assistant Director are authorized to deny further use of the library’s study rooms to individuals who violate the library’s policies/procedures.